COVID-19 Information

COVID-19 Information

Sober living is made available to residents who successfully complete their stay at Augustine Recovery.

We wanted to reach out, and assure everyone of our safety and continued COVID-19 practices.

All of the patients and staff members that were recommended for testing have been given a clean bill of health. We will remain vigilant and extremely careful.

Current Precautions

  • Visits of any kind are suspended at this time. This unfortunately includes alumni and sober living residents.
  • Participation in outside AA and NA meetings have been suspended. We are currently having our own meetings at neat locations outdoors, to avoid large group gatherings indoors.
  • Those seeking admission will be screened with questions concerning their current health, recent travel, and recent interactions with others who have traveled
  • When a potential patient is assessed for admission, our Admissions Director will repeat the screening questions before his admission and request a doctor’s note if being released from a treatment facility
  • Potential admissions who answer yes to any questions or fail to meet medical criteria will be denied admission
  • Residents and staff have been instructed to practice aggressive hand washing; avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth areas; and practice respiratory hygiene. Residents’ temperatures and vital signs are being recorded daily.
  • Staff who are experiencing any symptoms or have traveled recently are asked to stay home

Additional Precautions

  • Limiting our offsite appointments to those of medical necessity only
  • Increased frequency of linen and personal garment washing
  • Mandated hand washing protocols among staff and residents
  • Enhanced cleaning of common areas and dormitory rooms
  • Employees are now entering through a single designated area, and their temperatures are being taken and recorded on entry
  • We are temporarily utilizing the 4th month house for residents that are not feeling well or that have pending tests, until medically cleared
  • Family members of patients not feeling well are promptly notified

Sober Living

  • Residents at Sober Living are recommended to leave home for work or medical purposes only
  • We are organizing in-house meetings for those that would like to avoid large indoor gatherings
  • Disinfecting/sanitation protocols have been strictly put into place
  • Recommendations for increased linen/garment washing
  • Sober Living employees are closely monitoring resident symptoms. Any sick patients will be tended to immediately and referred to our medical team for further screening.
  • IOP and alumni meetings (Tuesday night) have been temporarily suspended
  • In-person Aftercare Program therapy sessions have been temporarily suspended. Video conferencing is available for therapy sessions instead. We have HIPPA compliant video conferencing throughout our electronic health record system, which will send therapy session appointment invites to residents doing therapy.

Recovery Is One Phone Call Away

If you’re ready to face your addiction to alcohol, or if you have questions about alcohol addiction for a loved one, give us a call at (904) 217-0480. You can speak directly to one of our alcohol treatment specialists and learn more about our facility, our professional staff, alcohol treatment options, insurance, and more.